peechha karana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest पीछा करना peechha karana news and headlines :
1. वह यह भी समझ चुकी हैं कि उनके लिए लक्ष्य का पीछा करना सही रहेगा या पहले बल्लेबाजी करना jagran.com2. डीआरआई के एडिशनल डायरेक्टर नवीन जैन ने बताया, सूचना के बाद शक के आधार पर टीम ने कुछ युवकों का पीछा करना शुरू कर दिया bhaskar.com3. - जैनुल और रेयान ने वहीं से एनआईए अफसर का पीछा करना शुरू किया
4. इससे पहले एक अन्य मौके पर कैटरीना ने फोटोग्राफर्स को धमकी दी कि यदि उन्होंने पीछा करना नहीं छोड़ा तो वे पुलिस में शिकायत दर्ज करवा देंगी

Given are the examples of hindi word peechha karana usage in english sentences. The examples of peechha karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., stalk, pursue, ensue, follow, dog, tag, chase, come after, streel, run after, trail, track, course, tail, hound, give chase.

those who hunted them had to follow their movements.जानवरों का शिकार करने वाले लोग भी इनके पीछे-पीछे जाया करते होंगे|

Members of a tribe follow occupations such as hunting, gathering, farming, herding and fishing.जनजाति के सदस्य शिकार, भोजन-संग्रह, खेती, पशुपालन और मछली पकड़ने जैसे पेशे अपनाते हैं|
This is a dog. The dog is a domestic animal.यह एक कुत्ता है| कुत्ता एक पालतू जानवर है|
In the course of the day she meets customers for a general feedback and any suggestions that they may have.
In the capacity of the business leader the global manager has to be alive to changing business situations and customer priorities he has to keep track of the trends in outsourcing and have the ability to envision upcoming opportunities as well as potential risks.
Assessment of interests of students may help to decide what subjects or courses they can pursue comfortably and with pleasure.
Thirdly, and most importantly, in a large number of situations society (or the State, or the people as a whole) had decided to pursue certain important social goals unselfishly (in areas like employment, administration, defence, education and health) for which some of the aggregate effects of the microeconomic decisions made by the individual economic agents needed to be modified.
However, in addition, it has to deal with policies aimed at also modifying these forces, if necessary, to follow choices made by society outside the markets.
Typically, each such body will have one or more public goals to pursue as defined by law or the Constitution of India itself.
Producers need to strictly follow the required safety rules and regulations.
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